Claims Advocacy

In a culmination of all of our training on cost containment and consumerism, we put our money where our mouth is by offering claims advocacy services designed to help employers and employees navigate the large claim process.

In the event of a large claim, whether anticipated or otherwise, our team stands ready to help guide employees through the process, by finding the most cost effective provider, and then by helping them take effective steps to manage costs moving forward.

Additionally, our consultants stand ready to defend and negotiate large claims with carriers and healthcare providers on our clients’ behalf. We provide this service in order to ensure that they are treated fairly, receive the best deal for their services, and access to the best care possible.

The Black Ink Difference

When your organization partners with Black Ink Benefits, your perspective of how employee benefits should be done will shift dramatically. Ranging from our top-tier technology and data analytics programs used by billion-dollar corporations to our unparalleled customer service and exclusive offerings, working with Black Ink Benefits is an experience like no other.


We never forget that at the end of the day, we're here to serve the employees, our clients' most valuable assets.

Real Cost Savings

Real, long-term, predictable cost savings. Unlike our competitors, we can actually make that happen.

Proven Track Record

We tend to agree that experience is the greatest teacher of all...and we have quite a bit of it.

How We Operate

Partnering with Black Ink Benefits isn’t like working with any other employee benefits consulting firm. Our approach allows us to fully understand the challenges that your organization faces and then build a long-term strategy to address those needs.

  • Examine client history and previous plan design/strategy to determine effectiveness.
  • Identify and present immediate ideas for cost savings in key areas.
  • Determine employee population risks and develop customized wellness program.
Key Differentiators

Everyone says that they do things differently than the next guy, but here are some things that only we do that no one else can.

  • Access to exclusive markets and carriers.
  • Exclusive Rx cost containment contracts.
  • Incredibly hands-on employee education and enrollment services.
Feel Free To Reach Out!
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